About Native Voice

Establish in London UK in 1998, the Natives are a collective of independent filmmakers and digital media innovators who produce global content for different platforms and audiences alongside their own independent features.

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Our production footprint is global  – from Africa to Asia, to the Middle East and Latin America. Our diverse output of films varies from big screen cinema features, to broadcast and indie documentaries, to NGO and conflict reportage for the worlds leading news organizations. Native Voice filmmakers have been nominated for and won several international awards. At Native Voice, we work both as freelancers and with and for each other – come rain, wind or shine – and we welcome passionate and distinct voices for collaborations in front of, and behind the camera.

Whether drama, documentary, experimenta or news, our films should have storytelling at their core and challenge our audience’s view on the world around them. We aspire to make films that reveal a common and essential humanity in our subjects – be they a detective and his clients in Kolkata, a Guarani Indian in the rainforest of Argentina or a rebel soldier fighting in the deserts of Western Sudan. Even in this age of media saturation, there has never been a greater need for brave, creative and sincere films that can provoke us all in thought and action.


Native Voice Films runs the volunteer charity REACT and also works closely with INSPIRE to help local school and college students across East London to gain work experience and mentoring.

Phil Cox
Director Native Voice

Native Voice es un colectivo de cienastas trabajando para los principales broadcasters del mundo: BBC, Channel 4, ARTE, Al Arabia, SBS Australia, PBS América así como tambien para Amnesty International y Human Rigths Watch, Trabajamos de forma independiente y somos expertos en diferentes lenguas y versátiles en la producción además de ser ciniestas talentosas!


Desde 1998, Native Voice Films con sus oficinas en Londres, ha producido un gran número de trabajos en diversos países de distintos continentes – desde África, hasta Medio Oriente y Latinoamérica. La diversidad de nuestras películas oscila entre las de calidad broadcast y los documentales independientes, hasta los institucionales y los reportajes en zonas de conflictos para las grandes cadenas mundiales de noticias. Los cineastas de Native Voice han sido nominados y han ganado varios premios internacionales.


En Native Voice, trabajmos de forma independiente pero también en colaboración constante, llueva o truene, y damos la bienvenida a otras voces apasionadas y distintas tanto delante como detrás de cámara. Ya sean documentales, experimentales o noticias, nuestras películas deben desafiar al punto de vista de nuestra audiencia sobre el mundo que los rodea. Aspiramos a realizar películas que revelen la esencia común de nuestra humanidad, así sea con los adolescentes del Festival sagrado de Ashura en Líbano, los Guaraníes del norte argentino, o los soldados rebeldes del desierto de Sudán.

Nunca ha habido tan enorme necesidad de documentales valientes, sinceros y creativos como en esta era de saturación mediática. Documentales que puedan provocarnos pensamientos y acción.

Phil Cox


The Bengali Detective Team win a Grierson British Documentary Award 2012

A happy night for Producer Giovanna Stopponi, Director Phil Cox, Editor Taimur Khan, DoP Lisa Cazzato and composer Dennis Wheatley!

Phil and Giovanna, Prod and Director of BengaliLisa Cazzato, DoP of The Bengali DetectiveTaimur Khan, editor The Bengali Detective

Native Voice wins Premio do Juri for We Are the Indians at Manaus Amazonas International Film Festival

Ben Stark, editor and producer, collects the Premio do Juri

Native Voice wins documentary award for ‘We Are the Indians’ at Buenos Aires International Film Festival 2005

Native Voicers Phil and Valeria celebrate with Matanza Cine colleagues and Marcelo and Lidio from the Guarani communities.

Phil and Valeria with Sebastian, Kerechu, Cirilo, O’Campo and Chief Juan at the community screening in the rainforest, Misiones.

Native Voice Films wins the Rory Peck Award

The prestigious Rory Peck Awards are held in London each year and celebrate the outstanding work of freelance camermen and filmmakers who work in war zones. Named after the celebrated camerman Rory Peck, who was killed in a crossfire in Moscow in 1993, the Rory Peck Awards are judged by news editors and broadcasters from around the world.

The International Impact award went to Philip Cox from Native Voice Films for his exclusive filming of the Darfur crisis.

“One of the outstanding stories of the year – it does things that broadcasters would never commission their news desks to do. A brave and talented filmmaker who brought an untold story to the world. Excellent”

Judge’s Comment

nv team

The Native Voice team:
Esteban Uyarra, Sarah Brownrigg, Phil Cox, Giovanna Stopponi